April is Child Abuse Prevention Month!
We invite you to help support the children in our community for Child Abuse Prevention Month and throughout the year.
The CAPC invites you to join us in making a pledge to the kiddos here in our community.
Pledge examples:
I pledge to spend 10 minutes with my child without electronics.
I pledge to make a financial donation to the CAPC. click here to donate now: https://nochildabuse.networkforgood.com/projects/68247-capc-monthly-giving
I pledge to reach out to a first time parent and share resources.
I pledge to follow the CAPC on social media and share important posts to educate my friends on child abuse.
I pledge to read with my child 5 books this month.
I pledge to join the CAPC newsletter to receive regular updates on how I can help.
I pledge that if I see something, I say something.
I pledge to organize a kid-friendly and safe social event in the community.
I pledge to join the CAPC Auxiliary and support abused kids throughout the year.
What will your pledge be this month?
For more information on CAP Month and how you can strengthen your family please visit: