TAY Program (Transitional Age Youth)

What is TAY?

Transitional Age Youth

It is a FREE mentoring program for 16-25-year-olds throughout all of San Joaquin County. The TAY Program operates off the Transition to Independence Process (TIP) Model to offer strength-based, non-stigmatizing, future-focused services. 

Last Year we supported 286 youth. 93% of youth who participated in our program made positive progress and 76% completed their goals.

Why Choose Tay?




TAY Services Offered

Everyone that joins the TAY program will get individual support focused on teaching life skills and future planning. Weekly meetings can take place at school, home, community, our office, or virtually.

Goal Setting

Weekly Meetings

Convenient Locations

Who Qualifies for TAY?


Must be 16-25 years old


Must reside somewhere in San Joaquin County. This includes homeless individuals.


Have a need for additional support in areas of their life. Examples include support with employment, education, parenting, emotional support, etc.

Interested or have questions? Contact us!

Mishelle Aguila
(209) 490-2744