February 10, 2022


The Child Abuse Prevention Council Board of Directors would like to invite you to join us in our 9th annual Ducky Derby on Saturday, May 14th! PURCHASE DUCKS IN ADVANCE HERE For more information on the Ducky Derby visit the website at capcducks.com Last year’s race was a tremendous success – but the event couldn’t...

Want to get involved?

To get involved in one of our events please contact Shauna Jacob sbjacob@nochildabuse.org.

We are always looking for enthusiastic committee members, event sponsors, and partners to help educate and inform our community about child abuse.

We look forward to your participation in one of our main events:

Pinwheels for Prevention
Ducky Derby – Hope Floats
CASA Superhero Run
Positive Parenting Messages
Adopt A Family

And so much more….
For more information on how you can adopt a child for the holidays, please contact Deja Wright at dwright@nochildabuse.org or call
(209) 851-3469.

Click here to download the flyer.

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