We know we have your support and invite you to share your support with family and friends in an effort to help vulnerable kids and our community. Gifts will be carefully assigned wherever they’re needed the most, meeting the crucial needs of today and the ever-changing needs of tomorrow.
Tell the world! Top 4 reasons to give monthly:
Like, Share and post on social media. CAPC will be posting on a weekly basis graphics you can use or just simply share, to spread the word. Click here for messaging suggestions and graphics. Our main hashtag is #CAPCstrong. Also can use #teamCAPC, #itsforthekids, or any other hashtag you prefer. Also don’t forget to tag your friends!
Email out all of your friends and family the following letter found here, it’s super simple. Or if you love writing come up with your own. Make sure to include your personal reasons why you give and why you choose to support the CAPC. The more personalized the better. Make sure to include this easy link for donations.
This is by far the most time consuming effort but also the most beneficial. Show your support to the CAPC by sharing stories and your passion for the organization with friends, family and co-workers. Or take the easy route and just send out a text message with the donate link! Your choice, we appreciate you either way!