

The Child Abuse Prevention Council Board of Directors would like to invite you to join us in our 8th annual Ducky Derby on Saturday, May 8th! PURCHASE DUCKS IN ADVANCE & WATCH THE VIRTUAL DROP ON MAY 8TH HERE: Last year’s race was a tremendous success, with well over 1,000 people in virtual attendance...
Wrote by a teenage CASA youth, this letter shares the impact of her CASA mentors in her life. “I remember the first time I met Mike & Kathy. I had no idea who they were or why they wanted to help me. I kept saying “Who are these people?” I had only been in foster...
Employee Testimonial: Malathi “I am a very picky eater so I choose to eat at home often. When the CAPC launched their Healthy Eating Challenge in March, I was inspired to add more vegetables, fresh fruits, and healthy alternatives to my meals.  I believed I was eating correct portions of fruits, vegetables and grains on...
“Abuse Lawsuits internal research team & legal team do the majority of our work with survivors remotely, so families around the country are able to utilize our resources. In addition to the informational resources found on our website, child abuse survivors can receive free legal consultations with members of our legal team. If an abuse...
  Join our community in becoming #NeighborAware:
Calling all kiddos: Grab your cozy blanket or your favorite bear and tune in to watch some fun characters bring story books to life! We will have a new video for you every week!   Captain Jack Story Time: Princess Tiana Story Time: Robots & Science Story Time: TX-62000 & Dr. Suess:...
Find some fun printables below to share with your family! Feeling overwhelmed planning out your new home routine? Relax. Incorporate small increments of time a day for you, your kids and time together as a family. Keep it loose and give yourself the flexibility to adapt, but keep a routine-little ones need structure as much...
Need a breather to get you through the rest of the week? Take some time out for you, and make your mental health a priority. #selfcare Resource: Self care cards English:   Spanish:  
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Want to get involved?

To get involved in one of our events please contact Shauna Jacob

We are always looking for enthusiastic committee members, event sponsors, and partners to help educate and inform our community about child abuse.

We look forward to your participation in one of our main events:

Pinwheels for Prevention
Ducky Derby – Hope Floats
CASA Superhero Run
Positive Parenting Messages
Adopt A Family

And so much more….
For more information on how you can adopt a child for the holidays, please contact Deja Wright at or call
(209) 851-3469.

Click here to download the flyer.

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